[Item Details]- [2-H ATK DMG]: [+200 ~ 223]
- [ATK Speed]: [+40]
- [Pet DMG] Raise: [+69%]
- [STR Level]: 357
- [AGI Level]: 92
- [Character Level]: [Level 1]
- [Character Class]: DL
Possible [+Additional Option]
- [+Divine Option] (x6)
- [Excellent DMG] chance [+10%]
- [ATK DMG] [+1] per 20 [Character Levels]
- [ATK DMG] [+2%]
- [ATK Speed] [+7]
- Restore (1/8) of [HP] per monster killed
- Restore (1/8) of [Mana] per monster killed
- [+Jewel of Life Option] (x1)
- Increases [Strength Level] requirement [+5] per [Tier Level].
- [+Jewel of Harmony Option] (x1)
- [+Luck Option]
Monster DropsClick the link below to search for monsters which drop this item: