[Pet Details]- [HP]: [255/255]
- Minimum [DMG]: 195
- [+1] every 8 [COM Levels]
- Max [DMG]: 215
- [+1] every 4 [COM Levels]
- ATK Rate: 1016
- [ATK Speed]: 20
- [+1] every 50 [COM Levels]
- [COM Level]: 195
- [Character Level]: [Level 1]
- [Character Class]: DL
[+Pet Option]
- Skills: Basic Action Skill, Automatic Attack Skill, Mimic Skill, Attack Target Skill
- Chance to inflict Excellent Damage: (3% + ([Command] / 200) + ([Raven’s level] / 20))
- Chance to inflict Double Damage: 2% + ([Command] / 300) + ([Raven’s level] / 30)
- Chance to ignore defense and inflict damage: 1% + ([Command] / 400) + ([Raven’s level] / 40)
Notes & Links
- [Mounts] & [Pets]
- Equipped via [Right-click].
- This [Pet] earns [EXP], which can increase its [Pet Level].
- Max [Pet Level]: [Level 70]
- Each [Pet Level] has increased [Requirements] to use it.
- The [Pet Level] will not increase if the character does not meet the next [Pet Level] [Requirements] to use it.
- If this [Pet] reaches zero [HP], it loses 10% of its [EXP] and cannot be used.
- Can be healed via [NPC] [Trainer].
- Can be crafted via [NPC] [Trainer].
- This [Pet] can be used with another [Pet], and a [Mount], at the same time.
- This [Pet] can only be used by the [Dark Lord].
Monster DropsClick the link below to search for monsters which drop this item: